Tuesday 19 February 2019

Commit to the Whole Path

“You have to walk the whole path to get to any destination - even if that particular destination ends up only being a stopping point, a milestone, on the way to another destination. Continually walking half a path, and then changing our mind drains our energy and passion for life.”

Using nature as our coach and nature’s landscapes as metaphors for our lives enables us to see patterns of behaviour more easily. For example, a business leader demonstrating their pattern of going round in circles whilst we took a walk in a local wood recognised that they did know where they wanted to go to. They also realised that only ever travelling half a path kept them circling, like an airplane, in a holding pattern. Neither leaving nor arriving, and yet on constant alert. The remedy for this leader was committing to walking a whole path, and only assessing “what next?” when they got to their first milestone. What path can you commit to take this week?

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