Friday 8 May 2020

Insight from the moon

Last night’s full moon is hidden behind cloud and yet .. It’s beauty is reflected in those very clouds, in the sea and the beach. Which has me thinking that when it’s cloudy and turbulent that it’s too easy to believe that no one will notice nor be impacted by our shine and therefore we give up and don’t even bother. Isn’t it however precisely in the darker times that light is needed even if reflected rather than directly seen? Do your thing, be unapologetically you and shine your light - it might just be what someone needs in a moment of darkness.

The previous night the insight had been a little different which is why I love nature so much it just keeps on giving.

Look at the reflection of moonlight on water and you’ll notice as you move so does the reflection - that is the reflection is actually a relationship between you and the moon not the moon and the water. Next time you judge another consider the reflection you’re seeing is about you not the other.

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