Welcome to this relaunch of Landscaping Your Life (LYL) - a process I've used for over 15 years with personal and business clients.
Over that time I've used nature as our teacher, and developed many different Landscaping Your Life tools and techniques. There's more here about why I use landscapes as metaphors to do this.
As I relaunch Landscaping Your Life today I wanted to provide an index of the blogs I've written on the subject - which I'm bringing together here for the first time. These blogs cover a range of topics:
- Sayings we use that keep us stuck - and how to use them to get unstuck
- Observations from nature - noticing what we notice
- Using landscaping Your Life in business, or procurement
- and a few others Landscaping Your Life tools and techniques
Landscaping Your Life tools are very quick, and the insight can stay with people for years. Easy for me to say I know. I'm hoping with this launch, therefore, that I can encourage past clients to share their experiences so that you may learn of its efficacy from them rather than me.
That said the easiest way to check LYL's effectiveness is to try it for yourself. Why not have a read of some of the following blogs, pick one of the tools and have a go for yourself - and do let me know how you get on.
Or simply join me going forward as I add new blogs with insight from nature, or share tools you can use at work or home, alone or in groups, to help provide insight on a challenge.
Sayings we use that keep us stuck and using them to get unstuck
- Head in the sand I'm never sure whether to share the pictures :-)
Observations from nature - noticing what we notice

- Timing
- Don't keep doing the same thing
- Impatience
- The solution is right infront of you
- Preparation
- Don't cut corners unless it's safe to do so
- Are you getting enough perspective
- The Dark Hedges

- The mind is like a rock pool
- The mind is like an ocean
- Come round the bend with me (or time to turn a corner)
- Go with the flow
- Take action NOW
Using landscaping Your Life in business, or procurement (more on The Purchasing Coach about the work I do in the procurement arena)
- What Purchasing has in common with gardening
- Grow dammit
- Are your suppliers running riot like Japanese knotweed
- Are your business tools just for show
- How will your stakeholders grow
- Business Strategy development (when I used LYL with a board of management to develop their 5 year strategy)
And other tools not so well supported by lots of blogs :-)
- Going for a walk with an issue in mind
- Writing a story - this about a wave (not for everyone I suspect)
- Using landscape pictures and the first tool that was developed
- Using collages
- Using imagined landscapes to improve challenges: e.g. connecting to your audience, confidence when speaking, destressing.
I also hope that you will now join me here, on YouTube, pinterest and/or Facebook as I further explore the changes that can be inspired when we allow Landscaping Your Life, and perhaps more importantly nature, to do its magic!
A new year Landscaping Your Life workshop is being considered in a venue in the north of England or Scotland. Do let me know, therefore, if you'd like to be kept updated as plans take shape. Or would like me to consider workshops in your part of the world (Hawaii and Australia would be great destinations for a holiday too :-)). Coaching and group facilitation are also available.
I look forward, over the coming weeks, months and years, to exploring with you what nature has to teach us - so we may all stay on track and find our flow.
With love and laughter *
Alison Smith
Landscaping Your Life
Inspiring change inside and out
+44 (0)7770 538159 alison@alisonsmith.eu
* and if you'd like to hear what the laughter sounds like turn your sound down a little (ok a lot) and play this vlog
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